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Schedule a visit to Faraway Pond and see the beauty for yourself.  You are invited to call or email to set up a meeting to discuss your event or getaway and tour the grounds.  


Mary Boone Wellington


From the Boston and the South ::

Take 93 north to the Twin mountain exit right after Franconia notch.  Drive to Whitefield and make a left turn to swing around the green.  Turn left at Cumberland Farms onto Brown Street which becomes Faraway road and follow to Ridge Road.  Take a right turn on Ridge Road at the orchard (the beginning of the Faraway Pond Property) and take the first Driveway on your left.  










From New York /Hartford ::

Take 91 North to St Johnsbury, littleton NH Exit and follow 93 south to exit 41-Cottage Street.  Turn right at the light and follow to Whitefield.  Take a left at the stop sign and swing left around the green. Turn left at Cumberland Farms onto Brown Street which becomes Faraway road and follow to Ridge Road.  Take a right turn on Ridge Road at the orchard (the beginning of the Faraway Pond Property) and take the first Driveway on your left.  

GPS is often wrong on the way to FarAway Pond!


Watch your map carefully and always come through Whitefield NH-no matter what that little voice tells you!

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